






* Phone:
085716089081 / 021-95889046 / 088210614375

* Alamat ABNA :
Jl. Raya Ciledug RT. 02 / 14  No. 28
Gg. H. Entong - Karang Tengah Tangerang
=> Sebelah Perumahan Barata Karang Tengah Ciledug

* Email: - -




C.01 Ciledug - Kebayoran
C.02 Ciledug - Jombang
C.03 Ciledug - Kebon Jeruk
C.05 Kebayoran Lama - Ceger
C.13 Pojok - Kebon Jeruk
C.14 Ciledug - Lebak Bulus
C.15 Ciledug - Semanan

D.01 Kebayoran Lama - Ciputat
D.18 Ciledug - Ciputat

M.24 Cipulir - Tanah Abang

Metro Mini S.69 Ciledug - Blok M
Metro Mini S.70 Pojok - Blok M
Metro Mini S.92 Pojok - Grogol

Kopaja P.16 Ciledug - Tanah Abang
Kopaja S.609 Meruya - Blok M
Kopaja 614 Cipulir - Pasar Minggu

KWK S.07 Pondok Aren - Kebayoran Lama
KWK S.10 kebayoran lama - Tanah Kusir
KWK B.09 Kreo - Taman Kota
KWK B.10 Petukangan - Taman Kota
KWK S.14 Petukangan - Lebak Bulus
Patas AC 73

AC Bianglala 44 Ciledug - Pasar Senen
AC Mayasari Bakti 61 Ciledug - Pulo Gadung
AC Mayasari Bakti 73 Ciledug - Kampung Rambutan






* Phone:
085716089081 / 021-95889046 / 088210614375

* Alamat ABNA :
Jl. Raya Ciledug RT. 02 / 14  No. 28
Gg. H. Entong - Karang Tengah Tangerang
=> Sebelah Perumahan Barata Karang Tengah Ciledug

* Email: - -



KLINIK AUTIS ABNA PUSAT TUMBUH KEMBANG TERAPI OKUPASI ANAK BERKEBUTUHAN KHUSUS / AUTIS DAN PENDIDIKAN ABNA TERPADU PUSAT BELAJAR LES PRIVATE KURSUS BIMBINGAN BELAJAR (BIMBEL) KARANG TENGAH CILEDUG TANGERANG INDONESIA ----- ABNA CLINIC AND COURSE ABNA OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY CLINIC CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL NEEDS ABNA PRIVATE COURSE EDUCATION CENTRE +++++ * Phone: 085716089081 / 021-95889046 / 088210614375 * Alamat ABNA : Jl. Raya Ciledug RT. 02 / 14 No. 28 Gg. H. Entong - Karang Tengah Tangerang => Sebelah Perumahan Barata Karang Tengah Ciledug * Email: - - * ABNA DIDIRIKAN OLEH ALUMNI UNIVERSITAS INDONESIA (UI) FAKULTAS KEDOKTERAN UI JURUSAN OKUPASI TERAPI SEBAGAI PUSAT TUMBUH KEMBANG ANAK BERKEBUTUHAN KHUSUS KAMI PEDULI, AHLI, BERPENGALAMAN, DAN PROFESIONAL. ABNA OCCUPATIONAL CLINIC KLINIK ABNA PUSAT TERAPI OKUPASI TUMBUH KEMBANG ANAK BERKEBUTUHAN KHUSUS Program Layanan : 1. Terapi Okupasi 2. Terapi Wicara dan Komunikasi 3. Terapi Kognitif dan perilaku 4. Konsultasi Psikologi 5. Konsultasi Okupasi Terapi 6. Pendekatan Brain Gym Dikombinasikan 7. Pelayanan Kunjungan Ke Rumah (Home visit), 8. Sensori Integrasi,DLL. ===== ABNA PRIVATE COURSE EDUCATION CENTRE PUSAT PENDIDIKAN ABNA LES PRIVAT KURSUS BIMBINGAN BELAJAR (BIMBEL) * GURU BERSEDIA KE TEMPAT ANDA Program Studi : 1. Bahasa Inggris 2. Bahasa Arab 3. Materi Pelajaran sekolah 4. Al-Quran Dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Agama 5. Komputer Dan Materi Lainnya. ===== ABNA OCCUPATIONAL CLINIC KLINIK ABNA PUSAT TERAPI OKUPASI TUMBUH KEMBANG ANAK BERKEBUTUHAN KHUSUS KLINIK OKUPASI TERAPI (OT) Saat ini banyak sekali anak-anak yang terdeteksi memiliki berbagai kekurangan seperti autisme, ADHD, Down Sindrom dan lain-lain. Dengan latar belakang itulah kami mendirikan Pusat Terapi bagi anak-anak special need yang menawarkan pelayanan berupa terapi, konsultasi, pelatihan dan lain-lain seperti tercantum di bawah ini: - Terapi Okupasi - Sensori Integrasi - Snoezelen - Kemandirian dalam Self Care - Kemampuan memanipulasi tangan - Kemampuan koordinasi mata, tangan dan kaki secara fungsional - Terapi Wicara dan Komunikasi - Terapi Kognitif dan perilaku - Konsultasi Psikologi - Konsultasi Okupasi Terapi - Kunjungan ke rumah (Home visit) - Pendekatan Brain Gym Dikombinasikan - Sensori Integrasi, DLL. Perhatian dan terapi yang kami berikan adalah untuk : - Anak dengan gangguan perilaku - Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) - Down Syndrome - Attention Deficit /Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD/ADHD) - Asperger’s Syndrome - Kesulitan Belajar - Keterlambatan wicara - Gangguan perkembangan (Cerebal Palsy/CP) - Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) - Dan keterlambatan perkembangan lainnya Agar anak mampu mencapai kemandirian dalam tugas kehidupan, seorang terapis okupasi akan mengamati dan mengkaji area-area dan komponen yang mencakup: - Biomekanik - Sensori motorik - Perseptual Kognitif - Keterampilan Interpersonal Sensori Integrasi Membantu individu secara memadai dalam integrasi proses sensori agar individu tersebut dapat mencapai: - Kemampuan dalam mengolah informasi secara tepat - Kemampuan dalam organisasi - Kemampuan dalam berkonsentrasi - Self esteem - Kemampuan kontrol diri - Kepercayaan diri - Kemampuan akademik - Kemampuan berfikir abstrak - Kemampuan spesialisasi dari masing-masing sisi tubuh dan otak Kemampuan-kemampuan tersebut dibutuhkan oleh seorang anak dalam berinteraksi secara aktif dengan lingkungannya, baik lingkungan rumah, sekolah, maupun masyarakat. Okupasi Terapi akan memberikan pelayanan individual yang meliputi: - Penilaian (Asessment) - Intervensi individual maupun kelompok - Home Program - Home Care (kunjungan ke rumah) Setiap Anak Adalah Unik Kita dapat mengembangkan potensi anak secara maksimum jika mereka mendapatkan perhatian dan penanganan yang tepat. Dengan prinsip inilah maka para terapis di Pusat Terapi akan berusaha memberikan pelayanan yang terbaik sesuai dengan kebutuhan masing-masing anak, sehingga anak-anak dengan gangguan perkembangan dan kesulitan belajar dapat mandiri dalam kehidupan sehari-hari di masyarakat. Snoezelen Adalah sebuah aktifitas yang bertujuan memperlancar susunan syaraf pusat melalui pemberian stimulasi pada stimulasi utama seperti penglihatan, pendengaran, sentuhan, pembauan dan pengecapan, sensasi dalam diri dari sistem vestibular dan proprioseptif, agar anak dapat mencapai relaksasi atau keaktifan untuk tujuan meningkatkan kualitas hidupnya. Snoezelen membantu dalam memenuhi kebutuhan individu sehingga mencapai : * Kemampuan untuk relaksasi * Kemampuan explorasi * Kemampuan mengekspresikan diri * Kemampuan dalam meningkatkan rasa percaya diri * Self System KLINIK ABNA adalah klinik atau pusat layanan terapi untuk anak usia tumbuh kembang maupun dewasa dengan mengembangkan model pelayanan kunjungan rumah (home visit) dan pelayanan bermukim. Apabila anda termasuk orang tua yang tidak memiliki waktu banyak untuk mengantar putra putri atau saudara anda ke pusat-pusat terapi, manfaatkanlah jasa yang kami tawarkan ini !! Anda yang berada di luar wilayah Jakarta maupun di luar Pulau Jawa yang membutuhkan pelayanan terapi untuk anak Autis,ADD/ADHD, down's syndrome, stroke maupun jenis gangguan lainnya namun di wilayah anda belum ada pusat terapi atau tenaga terapi wicara, okupasi terapi, fisioterapi, ortopedagogi maupun behavior terapi, anda dapat menghubungi kami, dan kami siap membatu anda dengan model dan jenis pelayanan yang kami kembangkan. Model Pelayanan yang kami tawarkan adalah : * Pelayanan Home Program * Pelayanan Home Visit * Pelayanan Bermukim Adapun jenis pelayanan yang kami berikan adalah sebagai berikut : * Pelayanan Terapi Wicara * Pelayanan Okupasi Terapi * Pelayanan Fisioterapi * Pelayanan Orthopedagogi * Pelayanan Behavior Terapi Semua pelayanan ini kami berikan secara tim dan setiap kasus akan dibicarakan secara komprehensif oleh semua anggota tim yang terlibat. Terapi Wicara Pelayanan Terapi Wicara adalah pelayanan kesehatan profesional berdasarkan ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi dalam bidang prilaku komunikasi untuk meningkatkan dan memulihkan kemampuan prilaku komunikasi, yang berhubungan dengan kemampuan bahasa, wicara, suara dan irama/kelancaran yang diakibatkan oleh adanya gangguan/kelainan anatomis,fisiologis psikologis dan sosiologis. ----- Gangguan bahasa bicara bisa terjadi pada kondisi-kondisi : * Autisme * ADD/ADHD * Tuna Rungu * Cerebral Palsy * Mental Retardasi * Gangguan Tumbuh Kembang * Pasca Serangan Stroke * Pasca Pengangkatan Laring * Celah langit-langit * Gagap Okupasi Terapi Pelayanan okupasi terapi adalah pelayanan kesehatan kepada masyarakat/pasien yang mangalami gangguan fisik dan atau mental dengan menggunakan aktivitas bermakna untuk meningkatkan kemandirian individu pada area aktivitas kehidupan sehari-hari, produktivitas dan pemanfaatan waktu luang dalam rangka meningkatkan derajat kesehatan masyarakat.Pelayanan okupasi terapi dibutuhkan oleh penderita post stroke yang mengalami gangguan motorik halus ataupun hambatan dalam aktifitas sehari-hari. Selain itu okupasi terapi juga dibutuhkan oleh anak-anak yang memiliki hambatan dalam mengembangkan fungsi tangan secara optimal, seperti kemampuan memegang pensil, memegang sendok untuk makan, maunpun aktifitas keseharian lainnya. Fisioterapi Pelayanan Fisioterapi yang disediakan adalah pelayanan fisioterapi untuk excercise yang ditujukan untuk menangani masalah-masalah gangguan fungsi gerak dan kemampuan motorik kasar. Anak-anak yang memiliki keterlambatan dalam tumbuh kembangnya seperti terlambant tengkurap, duduk, tengkurap maupun berjalan membutuhkan jasa pelayanan fisioterapi ini. Dan untuk orang dewasa biasanya pada kasus-kasus post stroke yang mengalami kelumpuhan baik pada kaki maupun tangan membutuhkan jasa pelayanan fisioterapi ini. Orthopedagogi Pelayanan orthopedagogik ini adalah pelayanan pendidikan bagi anak-anak yang membutuhkan pendidikan khusus. Anak-anak yang mengalami kesulitan atau keterlambatan belajar seperti kesulitan belajar membaca, berhitung maupun menulis. Pelayanan ini biasanya dibutuhkan oleh anak-anak autisme, down's syndrome, mental retardasi maupun anak-anak yang memiliki gangguan belajar khusus seperti anak-anak dengan gangguan disleksia, diskalkulia maupun disgrafia dimana secara umum kemampuan taraf Inteligensinya dalam batas normal. Behavior Terapi Pelayanan ini diberikan kepada anak-anak yang memiliki gangguan dalam prilakunya khususnya pada anak-anak yang memilki gangguan hyperaktif, gangguan perhatian dan konsentarasi. Pelayanan ini biasanya diberikan untuk anak-anak autisme untuk meningkatkan kemampuan kontak mata dan pendengarannya. Dengan metode ABA, pelayanan behavior ini cukup efektif bagi anak-anak autisme maupun anak-anak yang mengalami gangguan perhatian dan konsentrasi baik itu pada anak ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) maupun ADHD (Atention Dificite Hyperactive Dysorder). --- MODEL PELAYANAN Model Pelayanan yang kami kembangkan ini cocok untuk anak Auitsme, ADD/ADHD, Down's Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy dan Afasia maupun anak dengan kesulitan belajar khusus.Selain untuk anak-anak model pelayanan ini juga bisa untuk orang dewasa yang mengalami gangguan bahasa bicara atau gangguan kemampuan motorik kasar dan motorik halus, baik yang disebabkan oleh stroke ataupun penyebab lainnya. Model pelayanan yang kami tawarkan, yaitu : 1. Pelayanan Home Program Pelayanan ini berupa layanan pembuatan program terapi yang selanjutnya terapi akan dilaksanakan sendiri oleh orang tua atau keluarga di rumah. Model ini cocok untuk klien/pasien yang tinggal di daerah yang belum memiliki tenaga profesional seperti yang kami tawarkan namun memiliki cukup waktu untuk membantu anak atau keluarga yang mengalami suatu masalah baik itu masalah bahasa bicara, prilaku, kesulitan belajar, maupun gangguan motorik halus. Pelayanan ini bisa diberikan untuk klien/pasien yang berada di Jakarta maupun di luar wilayah Jakarta. 2. Pelayanan Home Visit Pelayanan ini cocok untuk klien/pasien yang memiliki kemampuan mobilitas yang terbatas akibat kesibukan orang tua atau keluarga, sehingga tidak ada yang mengantar ke pusat-pusat layanan terapi. Pada model pelayanan ini, terapis akan datang mengunjungi dan memberikan pelayanan di rumah klien/pasien. Saat ini, pelayanan ini hanya bisa kami berikan untuk klien/pasien yang berada di wilayah Jakarta dan sekitarnya. 3. Pelayanan Bermukim Pelayanan ini hampir sama dengan pelayanan Home Visit, namun pada model ini Terapis akan bermukim untuk jangka waktu tertentu di rumah klin/pasien, sehingga pemberian terapi bisa dilaksanakan lebih intensif. Model ini cocok untuk klien/pasien yang berdomisili di daerah dimana di daerahnya belum ada terapis atau profesional seperti yang kami tawarkan. Model pleyanan ini bisa kami berikan untuk pasien/klien yang ada di wilayah luar Jawa. Sebagai pendukung terhadap program-program pelayanan terhadap anak-anak berkebutuhan khusus, Pusat Terapi juga memberikan pelayanan dalam bidang pendidikan terutama bagi orang tua, guru, dan para-professional yang terdiri atas : - Pelatihan - Diskusi - Seminar - Konsultasi - Kepustakaan Pusat Terapi juga menawarkan konsultasi dan bantuan untuk mendukung kurikulum sekolah formal, meliputi antara lain : - Menulis tangan ( manipulasi dan fungsional tangan ) - Membaca ( visual tracking) - Berhitung - Menggunting ( scissoring skills ) - Koordinasi dan integrasi fungsional motorik kasar - Koordinasi dan integrasi fungsional motorik halus Okupasi terapi adalah profesi kesehatan yang bergerak dalam interveni rehabilitasi medik, berfungsi sebagai fasilitator dengan mengedepankan akademisi dan terapis untuk menangani individu yang m,engalami gangguan di aspek produktivitas, self care dan leisure(pemanfaatan waktu luang)yang diakibatkan penyakit, gangguan anatomis - fisiologis maupun injuri. PROGRAM PAKET OKUPASI Paket terapi hemat, yang diberikan selama 1 bulan adalah min.8x pertemuan, biaya dapat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan dan kemampuan individu. Kami juga menyediakan layanan bagi para klien dari keluarga kurang mampu agar mereka dapat memenuhi kebutuhan tumbuh-kembangnya dengan sebaik-baiknya. ===== ABNA PRIVATE COURSE EDUCATION CENTRE PUSAT PENDIDIKAN ABNA LES PRIVAT KURSUS BIMBINGAN BELAJAR (BIMBEL) * GURU BERSEDIA KE TEMPAT ANDA Program Studi : 1. Bahasa Inggris 2. Bahasa Arab 3. Materi Pelajaran sekolah 4. Al-Quran Dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Agama 5. Komputer Dan Materi Lainnya. ====== RENCANA KERJA SAMA Mendirikan Klinik Dokter 24 Jam Dan Pusat Terapi Tumbuh Kembang Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus / Autis Bersama Pemilik Tempat Dalam Rangka Peduli Kesehatan Bangsa Indonesia Dan Generasi Muda Autisme. * Phone: 021-95889046 / 088210614375 / 085716089081 Klinik Dokter 24 Jam Dan Pusat Terapi Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus / Autis merupakan sebuah sarana pelayanan kesehatan masyarakat sekaligus suatu peluang bisnis yang bagus. Membangun klinik 24 jam memang harus jeli dan butuh nafas panjang untuk melihat kesuksesannya. Namun, bagi Anda yang memiliki tempat (ruko, rumah ataupun garasi sekalipun) jangan ragu-ragu untuk mengajak dokter untuk bekerja sama membangun klinik 24 jam bersama-sama dan tentu bagi hasil (win-win solution) Ada beberapa hal yang harus diperhatikan dalam membangun suatu klinik 24 jam : Pemilihan Lokasi Lokasi adalah hal terpenting yang harus diperhatikan. Sebagai dokter yang sudah pernah praktek di beberapa klinik 24 jam kami melihat daerah perumahan menjadi pilihan utama dan terbaik untuk membuka klinik 24 jam. kami pernah paraktek di sebuah klinik kawasan elit cibubur dan mendapati pasiennya lumayan banyak. Jadi lihatlah ada berapa rumah di kompleks tersebut misalnya 1000 rumah. Lalu pilih lokasi yang pasti dilewati setiap warga yang tinggal di kompleks tersebut. Atau jika di jalan masuk-keluar kompleks. Tidak disarankan membuat klinik di jalan besar dengan laju kendaraan di atas 50 Km /Jam, meskipun ramai tapi menurut pengalaman say klinik ini tidak begitu ramai Peluang Bisnis Bisnis klinik 24 jam adalah bisnis jangka panjang. Masa membangun bisa mencapai 1 tahun. Jika Anda ingin membangun klinik 24 jam bisa jadi Anda harus siap impas atau rugi pada 6 bulan pertama. Berapa peluang penghasilan di klinik 24 jam? Penghasilan klinik 24 jam sangat tergantung dari lokasi dimana klinik tersebut berada. kami pernah bekerja di Klinik di suatu kawasan elit di cibubur, disini bisa mencapai omzet kisaran 1,5 juta sampai 4 juta per HARI. Sebulan Omzet klinik ini bisa mencapai rata-rata Rp. 60.000.000.- Di klinik ini per pasien yang berobat harus meronggoh kocek berkisar 200rb sampai dengan 350 rb. Di sini tampaknya si pemilik klinik membebankan biaya gedung yang memang lumayan besar ke si Pasien. Namun kami juga pernah bekerja klinik dengan rata-rata masyarakat menengah ke bawah, di sini biaya per pasien sudah termasuk obat sekitar 40.000-70.000,- Perhari ada sekitar 7 pasien. Omzet di klinik ini berkisar 8 sd. 10 juta per bulan. Ada juga klinik lain tempat kami bekerja yang penghasilannya sekitar 25 juta per bulan. Namun, satu hal yang harus Anda ingat adalah semua yang kami bicarakan di atas adalah kilnik yang sudah lebih dari 1 tahun buka. Yang Perlu Dipersiapkan : Bagi Anda yang memang belum mengenal bisnis klinik 24 jam sebaiknya jangan memulai sebelum betul-betul mendalami bisnis ini. Namun Anda bisa tetap memulai binis ini bila Anda bisa beberapa hal yang kami sebutkan di bawah ini : 1. Sebuah Ruko / Rumah yang lokasinya strategis. Diutamakan di suatu kompleks perumahan elit sampai menengah ke atas dengan penghasilan per bulan warga di atas 15 juta perbulan /rumah 2. Anda mempunyai dana untuk biaya awal pembangunan klinik 24 jam ( Apa saja biayanya? kami jelaskan di bawah ini) 3. Mau bekerjasama dengan dokter atau orang yang sudah berpengalaman dalam klinik 24 jam dengan prinsip win-win solution. Bila Anda mempunyai ketiga hal di atas Anda tinggal menguhubungi dokter atau kerabat Anda yang dokter dan memulai klinik Anda. Biaya-biaya awal untuk klinik 24 jam (biaya ini hanya perkiraan dan bervariasi bergantung tempat) : 1. Biaya Perizinan ke Dinkes (700rb-2 juta) 2. Biaya SIP dan Rekomendasi IDI untuk dokter yang akan bertugas (100rb-500rb) 3. Pembelian alat klinik ( 3juta-5juta) 4. Renovasi klinik (penyekatan ruang dll) 1-2 jutaan 5. Beli obat awal 3-5juta Jika digabungkan semuanya bisa mencapai 5-12 juta. Namun, jika terlalu besar semuanya ini bisa Anda akali dengan membeli alat secara bertahap. Semuanya pengurusan di atas akan dilakukan oleh si pengelola klinik namun dananya tetap dari Anda. Selain pengurusan ijin di atas pengelola klinik juga adalah mereka yang mampu membuat sistem pembukuan keuangan klinik, buku diagnosis, buku stok obat, segala surat-surat administrasi klinik (Resep dokter, Surat keterangan sehat/sakit, rekam medis)dll. Demikianlah pengalaman kami yang berkalitan dengan klinik Dan Terapi Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus / Autisme Di akhir artikel ini perkenankan kami mengajukan suatu penawaran kerja sama kepada Anda yang memiliki syarat-syarat di atas. Berikut kerja samanya : kami mencari rekanan kerjasama yang memiliki gedung, ruko atau pun rumah yang berada di kawasan strategis di perumahan elit di kawasan Jakarta, Depok, Bogor, Tangerang, Bekasi ( dengan jumlah rumah 500-1000 rumah) untuk bekerja sama membangun sebuah klinik. Klinik yang kami rencanakan akan terdiri atas Dokter 24 jam, dan terapi anak berkebutuhan khusus / autisme. Anda sebagai penyedia tempat dan modal awal dan kami sebagai pengelola. Untuk keterangan lebih lanjut silahkan buat janji untuk langsung bertemu. Kerja Sama Mendirikan Klinik Dokter 24 Jam Dan Pusat Terapi Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus / Autisme Bersama Pemilik Tempat Dalam Rangka Peduli Kesehatan Bangsa Indonesia Dan Generasi Muda Autis. * Phone: 021-95889046 / 088210614375 / 085716089081 ===== ALAMAT ABNA ONLINE : * ABNA GOOGLE : * ABNA ALBUM : * ABNA FACEBOOK : - Klinik Abna Tumbuhkembanganak => - ABNA PROFILE : => * Halaman Facebook ABNA : => => * TWITTER ABNA : @ABNA_CLINIC = @KLINIK_ABNA = BLOG / WEBSITE ABNA : * KLINIK ABNA PUSAT TUMBUH KEMBANG ANAK BERKEBUTUHAN KHUSUS DAN PENDIDIKAN KURSUS PRIVAT - * ABNA KLINIK PUSAT TUMBUH KEMBANG ANAK BERKEBUTUHAN KHUSUS DAN PUSAT PENDIDIKAN LES PRIVAT KURSUS - * ABNA => * KLINIK AUTIS INDONESIA => * YAYASAN ABNA INDONESIA => * YAYASAN ABNA AUTIS => * KLINIK AUTIS ABNA => * ABNA CLINIC COURSE => * ABNA OCCUPATIONAL CLINIC => * ABNA INDONESIA => * PT. ABNA INDONESIA => * CV ABNA INDONESIA => * ABNA MUTIA => * ABNA HOME VISIT => * ABNA AUTISME INDONESIA => * KLINIK ABNA ONLINE => * ABNA OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY CLINIC AND ABNA PRIVATE COURSE EDUCATION CENTRE => * KLINIK ABNA TERAPI ANAK AUTIS DAN PUSAT BELAJAR LES PRIVATE KURSUS BIMBINGAN BELAJAR (BIMBEL) => * KLINIK ABNA AUTISME INDONESIA => * KLINIK ABNA INDONESIA => * KLINIK ABNA AUTIS INDONESIA => * KLINIK AUTISME ABNA => * KLINIK ABNA CILEDUG => * KLINIK KURSUS ABNA => * YAYASAN ABNA => * PT. ABNA => * ABNA CLINIC COURSE (ACC) => * KLINIK ABY UMMU MUTIA => +++++++ Terapi Okupasi Adalah profesi kesehatan yang merupakan bagian dari rehabilitasi medik, bertujuan membantu individu dengan kelainan dan atau gangguan fisik, mental maupun sosial, dengan penekanan pada aspek sensomotorik dan proses neurologis. Hal itu dicapai dengan cara memanipulasi, memfasilitasi, dan menginhibisi lingkungan, sehingga individu mampu mencapai peningkatan, perbaikan, dan pemeliharaan kualitas hidupnya. Dalam memberikan pelayanan kepada individu, terapi okupasi memperhatikan aset (kemampuan) dan limitasi (keterbatasan) yang dimiliki anak, dengan memberikan manajemen aktifitas yang purposeful (bertujuan) dan meaningful (bermakna). Dengan demikian diharapkan anak dapat mencapai kemandirian dalam aktifitas produktifitas (sekolah/akademik), kemampuan perawatan diri (self care), dan kemampuan penggunaan waktu luang (leisure) serta bermain sehingga dapat tumbuh dan berkembang secara optimal. Anak-anak yang memerlukan bantuan terapi seperti diuraikan di atas antara lain adalah : * Anak dengan gangguan perilaku * Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) * Down Syndrome * Attention Deficit /Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD/ADHD) * Asperger’s Syndrome * Kesulitan Belajar * Keterlambatan wicara * Gangguan perkembangan (Cerebal Palsy/CP) * Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) * dan keterlambatan perkembangan lainnya Okupasi Terapi akan memberikan pelayanan individual yang meliputi : * Penilaian (Asessment) * Intervensi individual maupun kelompok Agar anak mampu mencapai kemandirian dalam tugas kehidupan, seorang terapis okupasi akan mengamati dan mengkaji area-area dan komponen yang mencakup : * Biomekanik * Sensori motorik * Perseptual Kognitif * Keterampilan Interpersonal Setiap Anak Adalah Unik Kita dapat mengembangkan potensi anak secara maksimum jika mereka mendapatkan perhatian dan penanganan yang tepat. Dengan prinsip inilah maka para terapis di Pusat Terapi Pelangi Lazuardi akan berusaha memberikan pelayanan yang terbaik sesuai dengan kebutuhan masing-masing anak, sehingga anak-anak dengan gangguan perkembangan dan kesulitan belajar dapat mandiri dalam kehidupan sehari-hari di masyarakat. +++++++ KLINIK ABNA TERAPI OKUPASI PUSAT TUMBUH KEMBANG ANAK BERKEBUTUHAN KHUSUS PENDIDIKAN ABNA TERPADU PUSAT BELAJAR LES PRIVATE KURSUS BIMBINGAN BELAJAR (BIMBEL) ----- ABNA CLINIC AND COURSE ABNA OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY CLINIC CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL NEEDS ABNA PRIVATE COURSE EDUCATION CENTRE +++++ * Phone: 021-95889046 / 088210614375 / 085716089081 * Alamat ABNA : Jl. Raya Ciledug RT. 02 / 14 No. 28 Gg. H. Entong - Karang Tengah Tangerang => Sebelah Perumahan Barata Karang Tengah Ciledug * Email: - - * ABNA DIDIRIKAN OLEH ALUMNI UNIVERSITAS INDONESIA (UI) FAKULTAS KEDOKTERAN UI JURUSAN OKUPASI TERAPI SEBAGAI PUSAT TUMBUH KEMBANG ANAK BERKEBUTUHAN KHUSUS KAMI AHLI, BERPENGALAMAN, DAN PROFESIONAL. ====== LOWONGAN KERJA FREELANCE ABNA : MARKETING FREELANCE EXECUTIVE KLINIK ABNA PUSAT TUMBUH KEMBANG TERAPI OKUPASI ANAK BERKEBUTUHAN KHUSUS / AUTIS DAN PENDIDIKAN ABNA TERPADU PUSAT BELAJAR LES PRIVATE KURSUS BIMBINGAN BELAJAR (BIMBEL) ANDA YANG SEDANG ATAU TIDAK BEKERJA... BISA MENDAPATKAN PENGHASILAN / GAJI TANPA BATAS... CARANYA SANGAT MUDAH... = > ANDA CUKUP MENCARI PASIEN SEBANYAK-BANYAKNYA... SETIAP PASIEN, ANDA MENDAPATKAN 50% DARI UANG PENDAFTARAN. CONTOH: 1 HARI ANDA MENDAPATKAN 5 PASIEN / MURID, JADI, PASIEN YANG SUDAH MEMBAYAR PENDAFTARAN DI KLINIK ABNA, MAKA BISA LANGSUNG ANDA TERIMA GAJI SETIAP HARI. TOTAL GAJI 1 PASIEN = Rp. 50.000 x 5 PASIEN = Rp. 250.000/Hari. SEMAKIN BANYAK PASIEN / MURID MENDAFTAR, SEMAKIN BESAR PENDAPATAN. UANG PENDAFTARAN KLINIK : Rp.100.000 / Pasien. GAJI PERHARI 5 PASIEN = Rp.250.000+ GAJI PERBULAN 5 PASIEN = Rp.7.500.000+ ====== * TOLONG DIBANTU YA... BAGIKAN LINK KLINIK ABNA KE SEMUA TEMAN... - KLINIK ABNA PUSAT TUMBUH KEMBANG TERAPI OKUPASI ANAK BERKEBUTUHAN KHUSUS DAN PENDIDIKAN ABNA TERPADU PUSAT BELAJAR LES PRIVATE KURSUS BIMBINGAN BELAJAR (BIMBEL) => TERIMAKASIH SUDAH PEDULI ANAK AUTIS INDONESIA ===== ===== KATA KUNCI ABNA CLINIC & COURSE KLINIK ABNA klinik tempat terapi anak autis klinik terapi okupasi okupasi terapi okupasi terapi ui contoh terapi okupasi pengertian okupasi terapi terapi okupasi anak pusat tumbuh kembang anak tumbuh kembang balita tumbuh kembang bayi tumbuh kembang anak majalah tumbuh kembang anak periode tumbuh kembang anak konsultasi tumbuh kembang anak pengaruh keluarga terhadap tumbuh kembang anak tumbuh kembang anak adalah aspek tumbuh kembang anak tumbuh kembang anak normal leaflet tumbuh kembang anak tumbuh kembang anak usia 6 bulan tabel tumbuh kembang anak tumbuh kembang anak soetjiningsih terapi tumbuh kembang anak konsep tumbuh kembang pada anak grafik tumbuh kembang anak proses tumbuh kembang 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occupational therapy association of california occupational therapy scholarships and grants occupational therapy tools for children occupational therapy group ideas occupational therapy schools in oregon part time occupational therapy courses occupational therapy part time courses loewenstein occupational therapy cognitive assessment school based occupational therapy jobs occupational therapy paediatric assessments wvu occupational therapy occupational therapy hand exercises occupational therapy assistant programs in nc occupational therapy activities for stroke patients home exercise program occupational therapy occupational therapy home exercise program occupational therapy salary uk occupational therapy schools in ct colleges offering occupational therapy online occupational therapy masters programs occupational therapy schools in ma occupational therapy assistant schools in california occupational therapy support worker occupational therapy jobs sydney masters in occupational therapy salary loma linda university occupational therapy occupational therapy associates degree occupational therapy schools in maryland occupational therapy schools mn private occupational therapy jobs occupational therapy websites occupational therapy cognitive assessments occupational therapy jobs in india ot australia victoria occupational therapy jobs bc energy conservation techniques occupational therapy occupational therapy clothing comprehensive occupational therapy evaluation colleges with occupational therapy majors occupational therapy pediatric assessments locum occupational therapy jobs occupational therapy locum jobs occupation therapy programs occupational therapy jobs in singapore international occupational therapy jobs occupational therapy without borders occupational therapy adaptive equipment treatment therapy professions certified occupational therapy assistant jobs studying occupational therapy florida board of occupational therapy bachelor s degree in occupational therapy occupational therapy in the navy navy occupational therapy occupational therapy navy overseas occupational therapy jobs occupational therapy jobs overseas occupational therapy swing occupational therapy schools in indiana san jose state university occupational therapy scandinavian journal of occupational therapy occupational therapy board exam occupational therapy jobs abroad occupational therapy catalogs occupational therapy schools in massachusetts occupational therapy work experience occupational therapy schools in chicago pencil grips occupational therapy occupational therapy pencil grips iupui occupational therapy occupational therapy online degree programs occupational therapy fine motor skills requirements for occupational therapy degree occupational therapy degree requirements virginia occupational therapy license occupational therapy volunteering pa occupational therapy license occupational therapy assessments for children masters degree in occupational therapy online occupational therapy ideas for adults mental health occupational therapy jobs biomechanical frame of reference occupational therapy occupational therapy liability insurance occupational therapy austin tx occupational therapy for toddlers occupational therapy jobs nj occupational therapy jobs in dubai occupational therapy certification programs classes needed for occupational therapy occupational therapy assistant schools online occupational therapy assistant online schools certified occupational therapy assistant salary touro college occupational therapy occupational therapy assessment forms north carolina board of occupational therapy occupational therapy schools in minnesota what school offer occupational therapy occupational therapy assessment for children university of pittsburgh occupational therapy new jersey occupational therapy license occupational therapy seminars occupational therapy jobs chicago occupational therapy schools in arizona occupational therapy practitioner occupational therapy university courses rush university occupational therapy pedretti s occupational therapy occupational therapy uq occupational therapy journal of research how long is occupational therapy school nj occupational therapy license kean university occupational therapy occupational therapy schools in colorado occupational therapy gifts occupational therapy offices brenau university occupational therapy occupational therapy ceu courses icd 9 codes for occupational therapy distance learning occupational therapy occupational therapy distance learning occupational therapy volunteer opportunities occupational therapy activity ideas top colleges for occupational therapy occupational therapy handouts occupational therapy uniforms occupational therapy postgraduate courses postgraduate occupational therapy courses quick reference to occupational therapy occupational therapy salary california university of utah occupational therapy what courses are required for occupational therapy occupational therapy t shirts occupational therapy courses london occupational therapy scope of practice midwestern university occupational therapy health promotion occupational therapy occupational therapy health promotion health promotion and occupational therapy occupational therapy western australia occupational therapy staff florida occupational therapy license pacific university occupational therapy occupational therapy home program occupational therapy jobs nyc online ceu occupational therapy occupational therapy devices occupational therapy treatment plans occupational therapy assessment form occupational therapy salary in florida certified occupational therapy assistant schools stroke rehabilitation occupational therapy occupational therapy stroke rehabilitation occupational therapy aide certification band 5 occupational therapy jobs occupational therapy conferences occupational therapy assistant programs in florida occupational therapy assistant colleges temple university occupational therapy forensic occupational therapy is occupational therapy a good career occupational therapy catalogue occupational therapy programs in georgia occupational therapy schools in michigan occupational therapy jobs in wisconsin occupational therapy ecu ecu occupational therapy lsu occupational therapy physical and occupational therapy in pediatrics occupational therapy schools in virginia occupational therapy locum suny downstate occupational therapy occupational therapy activities for adults occupational therapy logo occupational therapy catalog occupational therapy organizations texas tech occupational therapy occupational therapy companies occupational therapy degree courses occupational therapy evaluation form occupational therapy school rankings introduction to occupational therapy occupational therapy grants grants for occupational therapy utmb occupational therapy occupational therapy job openings occupational therapy job opportunities occupational therapy as a profession occupational therapy uniform occupational therapy salary by state occupational therapy worksheets occupational therapy goals examples occupational therapy jobs in canada maryland board of occupational therapy world federation occupational therapy occupational therapy perth occupational therapy today occupational therapy san francisco occupational therapy schools in nj mcgill occupational therapy occupational therapy programs in nj occupation therapy assistant learning disabilities and occupational therapy military occupational therapy occupational therapy in the military occupational therapy military texas occupational therapy license mcmaster occupational therapy occupational therapy group activities kentucky board of occupational therapy occupational therapy programs in canada occupational therapy ottawa occupational therapy cancer occupational therapy toys toys for occupational therapy what does it take to be an occupational therapist dalhousie occupational therapy occupational therapy items spinal cord injury occupational therapy vocational rehabilitation occupational therapy occupational therapy in the army army occupational therapy occupational therapy army occupational therapy overseas uf occupational therapy occupational therapy jobs toronto occupational therapy jobs in toronto kean occupational therapy occupational therapy consultants loma linda occupational therapy university of minnesota occupational therapy ohio occupational therapy board occupational therapy shirts occupational therapy strategies occupational therapy assistant degree occupational therapy treatment plan occupational therapy journals vcu occupational therapy free ceus for occupational therapy free occupational therapy ceus occupational therapy schools in ohio tufts occupational therapy occupational therapy case studies occupational therapy programs in michigan occupational therapy terminology traveling occupational therapy occupational therapy for multiple sclerosis columbia university occupational therapy certified occupational therapy assistant programs occupational therapy quotes occupational therapy aids occupational therapy for stroke patients private occupational therapy practice occupational therapy private practice occupational therapy cpt codes cpt codes occupational therapy cpt codes for occupational therapy clinical reasoning occupational therapy occupational therapy feeding willard and spackman s occupational therapy occupational therapy types occupational therapy jobs in kentucky australian journal of occupational therapy australian occupational therapy journal occupational therapy agencies fiu occupational therapy occupational therapy schools in illinois occupational therapy masters online online masters occupational therapy online masters in occupational therapy masters in occupational therapy online occupational therapy ideas for children occupational therapy grad schools occupational therapy schools in nc school occupational therapy jobs occupational therapy jobs uk downstate occupational therapy occupational therapy resources temple occupational therapy occupational therapy pay scale occupational therapy assistant job description uic occupational therapy cal state dominguez hills occupational therapy occupational therapy jobs in michigan michigan occupational therapy jobs occupational therapy assistant courses occupational therapy assistant certification occupational therapy classes online qualifications for occupational therapy occupational therapy and adhd occupational therapy adhd adhd occupational therapy unc occupational therapy occupational therapy admissions psychosocial occupational therapy university of alberta occupational therapy occupational therapy materials occupational therapy areas occupational therapy aide training what do occupational therapy assistants do canadian journal of occupational therapy online occupational therapy assistant programs occupational therapy assistant programs online occupational therapy assistant online programs occupational therapy bachelors degree occupational therapy programs in illinois twu occupational therapy schools that offer occupational therapy what schools offer occupational therapy occupational therapy schools in pa university of toronto occupational therapy travel occupational therapy jobs occupational therapy travel jobs occupational therapy schools in nyc occupational therapy schools in north carolina occupational therapy schools in georgia occupational therapy experience occupational therapy nz colorado state university occupational therapy occupational therapy jobs australia online continuing education occupational therapy occupational therapy continuing education online occupational therapy online continuing education occupational therapy wiki occupational therapy abroad occupational therapy melbourne occupational therapy curriculum occupational therapy documentation occupational therapy school online free occupational therapy continuing education geriatric occupational therapy nova occupational therapy boston university occupational therapy occupational therapy magazine online occupational therapy courses occupational therapy courses online occupational therapy online courses pictures of occupational therapy occupational therapy pictures occupational therapy continuing education courses paediatric occupational therapy jobs occupational therapy personal statement occupational therapy treatment ideas occupational therapy programs in nyc occupational therapy jobs in florida occupational therapy month occupational therapy schools in ny occupational therapy assessment tools activity analysis occupational therapy occupational therapy in health care diploma occupational therapy diploma in occupational therapy occupational therapy diploma soap notes occupational therapy postgraduate occupational therapy occupational therapy starting salary occupational therapy videos what colleges offer occupational therapy colleges that offer occupational therapy nhs occupational therapy occupational therapy shop occupational therapy schools online online schools for occupational therapy online occupational therapy schools occupational therapy online schools occupational therapy internship occupational therapy information information about occupational therapy psychiatric occupational therapy occupational therapy psychiatric occupational therapy school requirements outpatient occupational therapy occupational therapy degrees online occupational therapy singapore occupational therapy ubc ubc occupational therapy occupational therapy handwriting online degree in occupational therapy online occupational therapy degree occupational therapy degree online occupational therapy online degree occupational therapy jobs ontario colleges with occupational therapy programs internships for occupational therapy occupational therapy internships occupational therapy houston houston occupational therapy children s occupational therapy california board of occupational therapy occupational therapy education requirements occupational therapy stores occupational therapy jobs ireland ms occupational therapy occupational therapy articles occupational therapy products occupational therapy assistant online san jose state occupational therapy occupational therapy activities for children occupational therapy elderly occupational therapy interview questions pediatric occupational therapy jobs scholarships for occupational therapy scholarships occupational therapy occupational therapy scholarships occupational therapy sensory integration sensory integration occupational therapy occupational therapy sites occupational therapy accredited programs accredited occupational therapy programs occupational therapy schools in florida occupational therapy and physical dysfunction occupational therapy for physical dysfunction occupational therapy for autism children dementia occupational therapy occupational therapy blog best college for occupational therapy occupational therapy code of ethics new york university occupational therapy phd in occupational therapy phd occupational therapy doctor of occupational therapy occupational therapy doctor occupational therapy schools in california occupational therapy graduate schools graduate schools for occupational therapy occupational therapy schooling school based occupational therapy nyu occupational therapy occupational therapy supplies university of washington occupational therapy occupational therapy universities occupational therapy continuing ed occupational therapy doctorate doctorate in occupational therapy occupational therapy programs in florida occupational therapy income occupational therapy technician occupational therapy treatment activities occupational therapie occupational therapy schools in texas occupational therapy assistant classes occupational therapy major occupational therapy programs in california university of florida occupational therapy occupational therapy council history of occupational therapy occupational therapy history volunteer occupational therapy occupational therapy volunteer occupational therapy ceus bachelors in occupational therapy occupational therapy exam occupational therapy games occupational therapy practice framework occupational therapy assistant training programs occupational therapy boards occupational therapy programs in texas advance for ot occupational therapy resume british journal of occupational therapy travel occupational therapy occupational therapy toronto occupational therapy program online graduate school occupational therapy u of a occupational therapy ocupational therapy advance occupational therapy advance for occupational therapy occupational therapy ceu ceu occupational therapy best occupational therapy schools occupational therapy process top schools for occupational therapy top occupational therapy schools occupational therapy tools define occupational therapy columbia occupational therapy otr occupational therapy occupational therapy frames of reference frames of reference in occupational therapy therapy ed occupational therapy occupational therapist for kids private occupational therapy bachelor of occupational therapy occupational therapy patients ku occupational therapy occupational therapy online programs online occupational therapy programs occupational therapy programs online books on occupational therapy occupational therapy books occupational therapy models masters degree in occupational therapy masters degree occupational therapy occupational therapy usc usc occupational therapy occupational therapy assistant training occupational therapy framework goal of occupational therapy occupational therapy america occupational therapy degree programs rehab occupational therapy western occupational therapy occupational therapy equipment occupational therapy exercises occupational therapy forums prerequisites for occupational therapy occupational therapy prerequisites occupational therapy software occupational therapy vs physical therapy occupational vs physical therapy physical therapy vs occupational therapy ot salary occupational therapy international occupational therapy autism occupational therapy for autism autism occupational therapy autism and occupational therapy occupational therapy and autism pediatric speech therapy occupational therapy training program ot treatment certified occupational therapy assistant occupational therapy job description occupational therapy description job occupational therapy recruitment occupational therapy aide jobs hand occupational therapy occupational therapy hand therapy occupational therapy aide salary speech therapy materials speech therapy for toddlers occupational therapy forum occupational therapy masters programs occupational therapy and stroke stroke occupational therapy occupational therapy stroke certificate in occupational therapy free occupational therapy occupational therapy management private speech therapy graduate occupational therapy programs graduate programs in occupational therapy occupational therapy graduate programs occupational therapy aide schools community occupational therapy occupational therapy in canada occupational therapy canada occupational therapy description msc occupational therapy occupational therapy vacancies occupational therapy goals occupational therapy job outlook recreational therapy jobs child occupational therapy occupational therapy child occupational therapy assistants jobs occupational therapy aide programs occupational therapy ontario occupational therapy rehabilitation occupational therapy evaluation occupational therapy ideas occupational therapy interventions occupational therapy certification occupational therapy outlook the role of occupational therapy pre occupational therapy occupational therapy assistant school occupational therapy study study occupational therapy occupational therapy assistant education best occupational therapy occupational therapy definition definition occupational therapy definition of occupational therapy kids occupational therapy occupational therapy kids occupational therapy with kids occupational therapy for kids occupational therapy continuing education continuing education occupational therapy continuing education for occupational therapy occupational therapy requirements requirements for occupational therapy occupational therapy training courses online speech therapy in home occupational therapy occupational therapy mental health occupational therapy and mental health occupational therapy in mental health mental health occupational therapy art therapy for children pediatric rehabilitation occupational therapy services occupational therapy assistant program colleges for occupational therapy occupational therapy colleges colleges with occupational therapy occupational therapy clinic occupational therapy aids for children occupational therapy essentials for clinical competence applying to occupational therapy school schools that offers occupational therapy pediatric occupational therapy supplies private occupational therapy services occupational therapy schools in new england good colleges for occupational therapy physical and occupational therapy in pediatrics journal easiest occupational therapy programs psychosocial occupational therapy a clinical practice childrens speech therapy center pediatric therapy institute accredited occupational therapy masters programs good occupational therapy schools universities that do occupational therapy occupational therapy services in schools colleges that have occupational therapy programs what colleges have occupational therapy programs us army occupational therapy speech therapy solutions occupational therapy graduate program requirements clinical governance occupational therapy occupational therapy schools in philadelphia schools that offer occupational therapy programs physical therapy near me occupational therapy schools in iowa pediatric occupational therapy programs pediatric therapeutic services occupational therapy colleges in pa school offering occupational therapy small talk speech therapy list of occupational therapy schools occupational therapy schools in kansas speech therapy mirror occupational therapy tools for kids universities with occupational therapy programs pediatric occupational therapy services universities offering occupational therapy best universities for occupational therapy occupational therapy schools in tn prerequisites for occupational therapy school occupational therapy schools in houston occupational therapy schools in missouri speech therapy for stroke victims best university for occupational therapy occupational therapy schools san diego occupational therapy program rankings nyu occupational therapy program pediatric occupational therapy assistant occupational therapy schools in wisconsin occupational therapy masters programs online occupational therapy louisville ky occupational therapy schools in louisiana occupational therapy schools in mn speech therapy columbus ohio occupational therapy programs in kentucky speech therapy dvd occupational therapy schools in arkansas pediatric occupational therapy evaluation occupational therapy online masters program pediatric occupational therapy assessments private speech therapy rates occupational therapy programs rankings private therapy services occupational therapy services for children occupational therapy schools indiana types of speech therapy occupational therapy programs in maryland james madison university occupational therapy speech therapy toys occupational therapy programs in indiana occupational therapy schools in alabama ranking of occupational therapy programs universities that offer occupational therapy speech therapy exercises for children best physical therapy nyc occupational therapy program requirements occupational therapy schools in usa occupational therapy programs in massachusetts occupational therapy programs in chicago occupational therapy associations occupational therapy schools colorado occupational therapy programs in us pediatric therapy equipment pediatric speech language pathologist speech therapy activities for preschoolers occupational therapy schools in the us occupational therapy schools in us expressive speech delay occupational therapy programs in arizona best colleges for occupational therapy certified occupational therapy assistant program speech therapy videos occupational therapy grad programs speech therapy websites occupational therapy phd programs speech therapy orlando speech therapy equipment colleges that have occupational therapy physical therapy midtown midtown physical therapy kids therapy services prompt speech therapy physical & occupational therapy in pediatrics speech therapy materials free free speech therapy materials speech therapy after stroke physical therapy brochures occupational therapy schools ranking used physical therapy equipment speech therapy san antonio occupational therapy agency find a speech therapist find speech therapist occupational therapy jobs mn occupational therapy locations occupational therapy hours physical therapy brochure occupational therapy education needed physical therapy internships for undergraduates speech therapy activities for toddlers occupational therapy jobs in pa find an occupational therapist physical therapy bronx occupational therapy manager the occupational therapy manager speech therapy atlanta occupational therapy schools ohio speech therapy san francisco all about occupational therapy occupational therapy clinical reasoning clinical reasoning in occupational therapy speech therapy tools speechtherapy physical therapy brooklyn ny u of t physical therapy masters occupational therapy online occupational therapy school jobs cleft palate speech therapy occupational therapy facilities occupational therapy schools in ga speech therapy miami speech therapy private practice occupational therapy programs in ohio areas of occupational therapy speech therapy dallas speech therapist for toddlers children s occupational therapist occupational therapy terms pediatric speech pathologist occupational therapist schools online occupational therapy programs in pa occupational therapy educational requirements occupational therapy majors speech theraphy stuttering speech therapy speech therapy for stuttering speech therapy austin speech therapy san diego san diego speech therapy speech therapy books occupational therapist school requirements physical therapy anchorage speech therapies early intervention speech therapy speech therapy assessment ot degree occupational therapy centers novacare physical therapy occupational therapy insurance physical therapist job openings occupational therapy postgraduate occupational therapy uni speech therapy worksheets information on occupational therapy speech therapy articulation physical occupational and speech therapy requirements for occupational therapy school physical therapy private practice private practice physical therapy speech therapy cost occupational therapist education requirements occupational therapy san diego physical therapy job openings speech language therapy materials occupational therapy opportunities speech therapy houston chicago speech therapy speech therapy chicago becoming a occupational therapist becoming an occupational therapist speech and language therapy resources therapy rehab services occupational therapist schools in california speech therapy lessons occupational therapy programs in ny occupational therapy for autistic children occupational therapy schools florida occupational therapy organization speech therapy centers occupational therapy groups occupational therapy practices occupational therapy forms pediatric therapies physical therapy manhattan manhattan physical therapy occupational therapy phd occupational therapy schools california occupational therapist schools in texas schooling for occupational therapist graduate schools occupational therapy schooling for occupational therapy hamilton physical therapy speech therapy software universities occupational therapy universities for occupational therapy universities with occupational therapy physical therapy long island long island physical therapy speech therapy techniques best occupational therapy programs pediatric therapy center private speech and language therapy speech therapy center occupational therapy evaluations pediatric therapy services occupational therapy schools texas texas occupational therapy schools physical therapy rehabilitation centers speech therapy resources occupational therapy aid occupational therapy programs california physical therapist services physical therapy modalities physical therapy schools in ohio pediatric speech therapist speach therapy occupational therapist private occupational therapy for adults physical therapy tables physical therapy in queens children therapy services speech therapy nyc occupational therapy maryland occupational therapy questions speech therapy stroke speech therapy for stroke study speech therapy occupational therapy graduate school physical therapy new york city new york city physical therapy occupational therapy position childrens occupational therapy speech rehabilitation speech therapist programs geriatric physical therapy occupational therapy r speech therapy uk speech therapy supplies physical therapy specialties speech therapist for kids occupational therapy students occupational therapy private occupational therapy center speech therapy products speech therapy goals speech therapy colleges traveling physical therapist speech therapy services speech therapy for autism autism speech therapy find physical therapy physical therapy curriculum speech and hearing pathology at home speech therapy home speech therapy speech therapy at home physical therapy schools in georgia occupational therapy treatments speech therapy exercises occupational speech therapy speech and occupational therapy occupational and speech therapy speech therapy or occupational therapy occupational therapy speech therapy children physical therapist physical therapist for children physical therapy philadelphia occupational therapy rehab occupational therapy student types of physical therapy pediatric physical therapists preschool speech therapy physical therapy sites physical therapy versus occupational therapy physical rehab centers speech and hearing therapy adult speech therapy physical vs occupational therapy toddler speech therapy occupational therapy in nj home health physical therapy speech therapy for adults pediatric ot occupational therapy master programs occupational therapy degree program speech therapist college speech therapy toddlers physical theraphy masters occupational therapy programs masters programs for occupational therapy masters programs in occupational therapy speech therapy apps free speech therapy occupational therapy group speech therapy games talking therapy online physical therapy programs speech therapy private physical therapy kids kids physical therapy physical therapy for kids graduate programs occupational therapy graduate programs for occupational therapy description of occupational therapy aquatic physical therapy masters program in occupational therapy occupational therapy masters program childrens physical therapy rehab therapists physical therapy houston occupational therapy and rehabilitation occupational therapy graduate program physical therapy internships physical therapies speech therapist school physical therapy assessment hand physical therapy requirements for occupational therapist physical therapy assistant online physical rehabilitation centers physical therapy supplies speech therapy assistant physical therapy facilities occupational therapy department stammering therapy physical therapy los angeles child speech therapy physical therapy companies information on physical therapy physical therapy information pediatric rehab speech therapist schools physical therapy facility physical therapy website physical therapy evaluation physical therapy products vocal therapy speech therapy education occupational therapy service premier physical therapy physical therapy chicago physical therapy technician speech therapy online inpatient physical therapy colleges for therapists occupational therapy intervention colleges occupational therapy occupational therapy careers careers in occupational therapy speech therapy classes assessments in occupational therapy occupational therapy assessments degrees in occupational therapy occupational therapy degrees stuttering therapy occupational therapy assistant schools speech and language therapy jobs physical therapist schooling schooling for physical therapist physical therapy schooling aphasia therapy occupational therapy application speech therapy salary speech therapy for kids speech therapy kids kids speech therapy sensory integration therapy physical therapy with children physical therapy for children children physical therapy physical therapy children cost of physical therapy physical therapy cost speech language pathologist jobs aphasia treatment occupational therapist assistant programs ati physical therapy stammering treatment performance physical therapy speech therapy training speech and language games occupational therapy texas texas occupational therapy occupational therapy in texas occupational therapists in schools occupational therapy license graduate occupational therapy occupational therapy graduate outpatient physical therapy occupational therapy for pediatrics pediatrics occupational therapy occupational therapy and pediatrics occupational therapy pediatrics occupational therapy in pediatrics paediatric occupational therapy speech pathology online occupational therapy assessment assessment in occupational therapy speech therapy course occupational therapy assistant salary physical therapy equipment ot in schools occupational therapy master speech therapy courses speech therapist salary occupation therapy physical therapy associates speech therapy ideas occupational therapy assistant programs occupational therapy assistant jobs speech therapist jobs physical therapy prerequisites physical therapist pediatric occupational therapy courses courses for occupational therapy speech therapy school occupational therapy work occupational therapy degree degree occupational therapy degree in occupational therapy physical therapy doctorate physical therapy application american physical therapy association physical therapy aide jobs masters occupational therapy masters in occupational therapy occupational therapy masters occupational therapy online occupational therapy activities physical therapy continuing education speech therapy in schools speech therapy schools speech doctor speech and language disorders occupational therapy classes physical therapists schools nyc physical therapy physical therapy nyc occupational pediatric therapy pediatric occupational therapy what is pediatric occupational therapy occupational therapy pediatric star physical therapy career in occupational therapy occupational therapy career speech therapy children children speech therapy speech therapy for children speech therapy in children physical therapy centers physical therapy business pediatric therapists orthopedic physical therapy doctor of physical therapy occupational therapy for children children occupational therapy occupational therapy children occupational therapy in children what is occupational therapy for children occupational therapy and children occupational therapy with children speech delays physical therapy tech speech pathologist schools ot school school ot physical therapy services services physical therapy physical therapy pediatric speech therapy degree speech therapy program speech therapy programs college occupational therapy programs occupational therapy college programs occupational therapy employment physical therapy new jersey physical therapy service speech therapy activities activities for speech therapy occupational therapy positions occupational therapy treatment physical therapy institute speech pathology schools at home physical therapy in home physical therapy home physical therapy speech therapy treatment colleges with physical therapy programs physical therapy assistant jobs pediatric therapist speech therapy job physical therapy requirements speech therapy jobs occupational therapy education programs recreation therapy schools with occupational therapy programs occupational therapy aide physical therapy ny ny physical therapy physical therapy treatment colleges for physical therapist physical therapist colleges college for occupational therapist physical therapist assistant schools speech and language therapists physical therapy rehab physical therapy and rehab physical therapy association physical therapy new york new york physical therapy speech pathology jobs physical therapy assistant salary college occupational therapy occupational therapy college college of occupational therapy children wih special need education of children with special needs should be provided courses for parents of special needs children homeschooling learning disabled children help for working with children with disabilities does my child have special needs explaining special needs to children becoming an advocate for children with special needs problems faced by children with disabilities providing exceptional education how to handle special needs children advocate for special education students what do you need to work with special needs children child therapist schooling challenges faced by children with disabilities special needs advocates for parents support available for adults caring for children with special needs handling children with special needs parents of gifted children support special needs advocate for parents advocating for children with special needs special needs advocacy groups my child has special needs how to start a special needs school books for special education students foundations for children with special needs assisting children with special needs working with children with special needs training special needs bibs for children how many children have special needs organizations that help special needs children services for families with children with disabilities how to deal with a special needs child helping kids with special needs services for kids with special needs organization for special needs families special needs education articles homeschooling special needs kids are gifted children special needs support available for children with special needs special education for children with learning disabilities what do i need to work with special needs children books for children with learning disabilities special kids need special parents projects for special needs students special education home schooling special needs foundations children with learning disabilities resources working with parents of children with special needs working with parents of special needs children common special needs in children work with kids with disabilities working with kids with disabilities understanding children with special needs understanding special needs children supporting children with additional needs children with special needs in india gifted children with learning disabilities working with families of children with special needs how to deal with special needs children moms of special needs children support services for children with special needs working with special needs adults how to explain special needs to children children with medical disabilities having a special needs child having a child with special needs needs of exceptional children children with exceptional needs information on special needs children information about children with special needs special need kid gifted children with disabilities private schools for special needs children research on special needs children dealing with special needs children dealing with children with special needs homeschool for special needs children home schooling for special needs children mothers of special needs children step mothers and step children advocates for special needs children advocates for children with special needs special needs bibs special need resources homeschooling special needs child homeschooling a special needs child working with people with special needs advocacy for children with special needs advocacy for special needs children help for parents of children with disabilities special needs store special needs swings work with kids with special needs work with special needs kids including children with special needs homeschooling children with special needs homeschooling for special needs children homeschooling special needs children working with special needs kids working with kids with special needs organization for children with special needs volunteering with special needs children special educational needs resources mainstreaming special needs students work with people with special needs work for special needs people help for kids with disabilities special needs events working and homeschooling special gifted children support families of children with disabilities can i homeschool and work toys for special needs kids curriculum for special needs children advocate for children with special needs advocate for special needs children special needs charities supporting children with special needs special needs support services home school special needs special needs catalog special needs tutors help for helping children with disabilities help with school work for kids homes for special needs children special education learning disability how to help people with special needs schools for kids with special needs is my child special needs caring for special needs children support for families with special needs children poem about special needs children special needs supplies special needs moms parents of special needs kids help for parents of special needs children help for parents with special needs children special needs therapist special needs mothers poems about special needs children poems for special needs children help for children with learning disability volunteer with special needs children special needs kid research on children with disabilities special needs mom special needs advocates special needs nanny special needs help for parents parenting special needs children parenting children with special needs programs for kids with special needs teaching kids with special needs teaching special needs kids india learning for kids special needs homeschool homeschool special needs help for learning disabilities in children help for children learning disabilities schools for students with special needs support for parents of children with special needs how to support parents of children with special needs support for parents of special needs children support for parents with special needs children special need children education benefits for special needs children homeschooling special needs special needs homeschooling is my child disabled helping special needs children helping children with special needs school for kids with special needs kids with special needs in school special needs beds special needs products articles on special needs children articles about special needs children children with special needs articles special needs children articles children special needs articles educating children with special needs educating special needs children special ed kids helping children with disabilities preschool children with special needs preschool for special needs children special education organizations special needs children organizations organizations for special needs children early childhood special needs special ed children school for kids with disabilities kids with disabilities in school special education help advocate for special needs special needs advocate special need student education for children with learning disabilities books for children with special needs help child education exceptional child education special needs colleges special needs disorders grants for special needs children special education websites special education children disabilities special need adults physically handicapped children parenting special needs medical needs of children special need teachers quotes about special needs children special needs children quotes children with special needs quotes young children with special needs special needs funding why work with children with disabilities program for children with special needs preschoolers with special needs types of special needs list of special needs careers with special needs children support child education home school my child grants for disabled children special needs private school music for special needs special needs organizations special education as intervention families of children with disabilities families with children with disabilities programs for special needs children special needs children programs programs for children with special needs special needs children resources resources for special needs children private special needs schools special needs private schools private schools for special needs children with additional needs special needs book child support for special needs child education of exceptional children education for exceptional children special education kids special education for kids support children education children education support families with special needs children families of children with special needs families with children with special needs special needs books books on special needs books about special needs childcare special needs special needs childcare special needs grants grants for special needs help for children with disability curriculum special needs special needs curriculum special needs daycare persons with special needs jobs with special needs children special needs children jobs services for special needs children special services for children with special needs services for children with special needs special needs services for children special needs equipment health needs of a child teaching special needs students teaching students with special needs special needs uk how to help children with special needs help for special needs children help for children with special needs help with special needs children how to help special needs children special needs adult special ed schools special needs families families with special needs find home school homeschool work support for children with disabilities support for children with special needs support for special needs children games for special needs living with autism how to help children with disabilities help with children with disabilities help for children disabilities help for disabilities in children help children with disabilities help for children with disabilities special needs preschool preschool special needs work with children with special needs how to work with special needs children how to work with children with special needs work with special needs children why work with special needs children special education resources special need toys special needs careers home school parents special needs inclusion children with special educational needs parents with children with disabilities schools for special needs children schools for children with special needs special education articles disability and special educational needs special needs in the classroom special needs classroom child education programme special learning needs special needs learning learning special needs parents with special needs children parents special needs children parents with children with special needs parents of children with special needs parents of special needs children requirements for home schooling special needs adoption working with children special needs working with children with special needs working with special needs children special needs children in school special needs children school school for children with special needs school for special needs children children with special needs in school special needs resources resources for special needs home schooling children special needs training disabilities in special education education for special needs children education special needs children education for children with special needs special needs children education education of special needs children education of children with special needs children with special needs education adults with special needs adults special needs special needs adults special needs for adults parents of special children help special needs special help for special needs special needs help special needs services services for special needs special needs camps toys for special needs special needs toys special child school working with special needs working in special needs childrens with special needs children with sen special needs learners learners with special needs special need kids special needs parents special needs and parents parents with special needs special needs classes special need students support special needs support for special needs special needs support special needs program needs of special education students schools for special children special schools for special children programs for special needs special needs programs special education child special child education special needs activities activities for special needs student with special needs work with special needs home schooling for kids home schooling kids home school mom special school for children school for special children people with special needs special needs people exceptional child a child with a learning disability special needs jobs jobs with special needs home school access education for special children special education for children children in special education children special education special education children special education for special children special children education home school children children home school home school work teaching special needs special need schools special need school child home school how to home school a child kids with disabilities children with learning difficulties home school for kids teaching special education special education jobs need for special education special need education the need for special education needs of children with disabilities kids special needs special needs kids kids with special needs child with special need special need child special needs students students with special needs handicapped children special need children children with special need special needs schools in special schools for special needs schools with special needs special needs schools special needs in schools schools for special needs child with disabilities families for support disability special needs school with special needs school for special needs special needs school school special needs special needs in school special needs disabilities special needs educational educational special needs special educational needs i was a gifted child special education schools special needs in education education special needs special needs and education special education needs special needs education education for special needs education and special needs education home school learning education for kids the special needs child what is a special needs child child with special needs special needs child child special needs the child with special needs a child with special needs what is a child with special needs in step child step by step child disabilities in children who are children with disabilities disabilities with children disabilities of children disabilities for children children with disabilities children disabilities disabilities children education it support children of special needs special children needs special needs for children children special needs special needs children special needs children with children with special needs special needs of special children the special needs of children for special needs children what is special needs children what are children with special needs what is children with special needs who are special needs children who are the children with special needs what are special needs children needs of special children with special needs children for children with special needs special needs in children special needs of children who are children with special needs needs of child child with needs needs of the child what is a special child what is special child what is a special need what is special need children with needs special children what are special children who are special children what is special children learning difficulties a child learning how do you get a learning disability what are special needs special needs special needs for special needs with special needs what is special needs the special needs for special needs support for child potty chairs for special needs children step by step centre for special needs feeding chairs for special needs children learning aids for special needs children special needs equipment resources specialist equipment for children with special needs married with special needs children free diapers for special needs children trust fund for children with special needs qualifications needed to work with special needs children grants for families with special needs children social skills activities for children with special needs picture cards for special needs children special needs toys for toddlers teaching music to children with special needs teaching children with special needs articles sign language for children with special needs enclosed beds for special needs children computer games for special needs children guidance and counseling for children with special needs visual aids for children with special needs learning activities for special needs children activities to do with special needs children safety beds for children with special needs music lessons for children with special needs music lessons for special needs children courses for teaching children with special needs adapting activities for children with special needs scissors for children with special needs scissors for special needs children laptops for children with special needs physiotherapy for children with special needs assessment tools for children with special needs educational toys for special needs children educational toys for children with special needs teaching life skills to children with special needs games to play with special needs children best schools for special needs children free nappies for disabled children adapting early childhood curricula for children with special needs classroom activities for special needs children parent advocate training adaptive toys for special needs children categories of children with special needs special needs furniture for children furniture for special needs children furniture for children with special needs very young children with special needs helmets for special needs children helmets for children with special needs resources for children with cerebral palsy prayers for children with special needs children with special needs in early childhood settings pushchairs for special needs children adaptive equipment for special needs children switch toys for special needs children working with special needs children qualifications benefits of inclusion for children with special needs playground equipment for special needs children gift ideas for special needs children gymnastics for special needs children massage for children with special needs music activities for children with special needs financial aid for special needs children assistive technology devices for children with special needs harness for children with special needs inclusive schooling children with special educational needs cerebral palsy special education residential schools for children with special needs daycares for special needs children daycares for children with special needs wheelchairs for children with special needs fun activities for special needs children fostering children with special needs fostering special needs children nannies for special needs children bibs for special needs children group homes for special needs children financial help for special needs children tricycle for special needs children trikes for special needs children i want to work with special needs children i want to work with children with special needs resources for students with autism working with children with special educational needs art projects for special needs children identification of children with special needs working in a special needs school swings for special needs children swings for children with special needs autism awareness month 2011 attorney for special needs children gifts for children with special needs gifts for special needs children organization of special needs families physical activities for children with special needs resources for kids with autism special needs scissors lawyers for special needs children courses for working with children with special needs used special needs equipment working with special needs children courses tricycles for special needs children assessing children with special needs financial assistance for special needs children tutoring for special needs children tutoring special needs children chyler leigh 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Membangun klinik 24 jam memang harus jeli dan butuh nafas panjang untuk melihat kesuksesannya. Namun, bagi Anda yang memiliki tempat (ruko, rumah ataupun garasi sekalipun) jangan ragu-ragu untuk mengajak dokter untuk bekerja sama membangun klinik 24 jam bersama-sama dan tentu bagi hasil (win-win solution) Ada beberapa hal yang harus diperhatikan dalam membangun suatu klinik 24 jam : Pemilihan Lokasi Lokasi adalah hal terpenting yang harus diperhatikan. Sebagai dokter yang sudah pernah praktek di beberapa klinik 24 jam kami melihat daerah perumahan menjadi pilihan utama dan terbaik untuk membuka klinik 24 jam. kami pernah paraktek di sebuah klinik kawasan elit cibubur dan mendapati pasiennya lumayan banyak. Jadi lihatlah ada berapa rumah di kompleks tersebut misalnya 1000 rumah. Lalu pilih lokasi yang pasti dilewati setiap warga yang tinggal di kompleks tersebut. Atau jika di jalan masuk-keluar kompleks. Tidak disarankan membuat klinik di jalan besar dengan laju kendaraan di atas 50 Km /Jam, meskipun ramai tapi menurut pengalaman say klinik ini tidak begitu ramai Peluang Bisnis Bisnis klinik 24 jam adalah bisnis jangka panjang. Masa membangun bisa mencapai 1 tahun. Jika Anda ingin membangun klinik 24 jam bisa jadi Anda harus siap impas atau rugi pada 6 bulan pertama. Berapa peluang penghasilan di klinik 24 jam? Penghasilan klinik 24 jam sangat tergantung dari lokasi dimana klinik tersebut berada. kami pernah bekerja di Klinik di suatu kawasan elit di cibubur, disini bisa mencapai omzet kisaran 1,5 juta sampai 4 juta per HARI. Sebulan Omzet klinik ini bisa mencapai rata-rata Rp. 60.000.000.- Di klinik ini per pasien yang berobat harus meronggoh kocek berkisar 200rb sampai dengan 350 rb. Di sini tampaknya si pemilik klinik membebankan biaya gedung yang memang lumayan besar ke si Pasien. Namun kami juga pernah bekerja klinik dengan rata-rata masyarakat menengah ke bawah, di sini biaya per pasien sudah termasuk obat sekitar 40.000-70.000,- Perhari ada sekitar 7 pasien. Omzet di klinik ini berkisar 8 sd. 10 juta per bulan. Ada juga klinik lain tempat kami bekerja yang penghasilannya sekitar 25 juta per bulan. Namun, satu hal yang harus Anda ingat adalah semua yang kami bicarakan di atas adalah kilnik yang sudah lebih dari 1 tahun buka. Yang Perlu Dipersiapkan Bagi Anda yang memang belum mengenal bisnis klinik 24 jam sebaiknya jangan memulai sebelum betul-betul mendalami bisnis ini. Namun Anda bisa tetap memulai binis ini bila Anda bisa beberapa hal yang kami sebutkan di bawah ini : 1. Sebuah Ruko yang lokasinya strategis. Diutamakan di suatu kompleks perumahan elit sampai menengah ke atas dengan penghasilan per bulan warga di atas 15 juta perbulan /rumah 2. Anda mempunyai dana untuk biaya awal pembangunan klinik 24 jam ( Apa saja biayanya? kami jelaskan di bawah ini) 3. Mau bekerjasama dengan dokter atau orang yang sudah berpengalaman dalam klinik 24 jam dengan prinsip win-win solution. Bila Anda mempunyai ketiga hal di atas Anda tinggal menguhubungi dokter atau kerabat Anda yang dokter dan memulai klinik Anda. Biaya-biaya awal untuk klinik 24 jam (biaya ini hanya perkiraan dan bervariasi bergantung tempat) : 1. Biaya Perizinan ke Dinkes (700rb-2 juta) 2. Biaya SIP dan Rekomendasi IDI untuk dokter yang akan bertugas (100rb-500rb) 3. Pembelian alat klinik ( 3juta-5juta) 4. Renovasi klinik (penyekatan ruang dll) 1-2 jutaan 5. Beli obat awal 3-5juta Jika digabungkan semuanya bisa mencapai 5-12 juta. Namun, jika terlalu besar semuanya ini bisa Anda akali dengan membeli alat secara bertahap. Semuanya pengurusan di atas akan dilakukan oleh si pengelola klinik namun dananya tetap dari Anda. Selain pengurusan ijin di atas pengelola klinik juga adalah mereka yang mampu membuat sistem pembukuan keuangan klinik, buku diagnosis, buku stok obat, segala surat-surat administrasi klinik (Resep dokter, Surat keterangan sehat/sakit, rekam medis)dll. Sumber : * KLINIK ABNA PUSAT TUMBUH KEMBANG ANAK BERKEBUTUHAN KHUSUS DAN PENDIDIKAN KURSUS PRIVAT => * ABNA KLINIK PUSAT TUMBUH KEMBANG ANAK BERKEBUTUHAN KHUSUS DAN PUSAT PENDIDIKAN LES PRIVAT KURSUS => * KLINIK ABY UMMU MUTIA => Demikianlah pengalaman kami yang berkalitan dengan klinik Dan Terapi Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus / Autisme Di akhir artikel ini perkenankan kami mengajukan suatu penawaran kerja sama kepada Anda yang memiliki syarat-syarat di atas. Berikut kerja samanya : kami mencari rekanan kerjasama yang memiliki gedung, ruko atau pun rumah yang berada di kawasan strategis di perumahan elit di kawasan Jakarta, Depok, Bogor, Tangerang, Bekasi ( dengan jumlah rumah 500-1000 rumah) untuk bekerja sama membangun sebuah klinik. Klinik yang kami rencanakan akan terdiri atas Dokter 24 jam, dan terapi anak berkebutuhan khusus / autisme. Anda sebagai penyedia tempat dan modal awal dan kami sebagai pengelola. Untuk keterangan lebih lanjut silahkan buat janji untuk langsung bertemu. Kerja Sama Mendirikan Klinik Dokter 24 Jam Dan Pusat Terapi Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus / Autisme Bersama Pemilik Tempat Dalam Rangka Peduli Kesehatan Bangsa Indonesia Dan Generasi Muda Autis. * Phone: 085716089081 / 088210614375 ABNA CLINIC ANDS COURSE ABNA OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY CLINIC CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL NEEDS ABNA PRIVATE COURSE EDUCATION CENTRE +++++ Sebuah Permohonan Dari Admin PERMOHONAN BANTUAN DANA PLEASE DONATE US (DONATE HERE) Terimakasih sudah membaca permohonan ini, kami sangat mengharapkan anda mau saling membantu sesama. Jika anda mampu menyumbang, ini lah saat yang tepat untuk saling membantu. Karena, setiap tahun cukup banyak jumlah orang yang memutuskan untuk menyumbang. Silahkan Transfer ke salah satu no. rekening berikut: 1. BCA : 3691143731 2. BRI : 0532-01-003721-50-1 Sekarang, kami mohon anda memberikan sumbangan, mulai dari Rp.50.000 (Rupiah), $5, €10, ¥1000, atau berapa pun yang anda mampu untuk saling membantu sesama. Terima kasih, (Admin) ************** Translation To English : PLEASE DONATE US... APPLICATION FOR ASSISTANCE FUND An Application From the Admin. Thank you for reading this petition, we sincerely hope you will help each others. If you are able to donate, this is the right time to help each other. Because, every year pretty much the number of people who decide to donate. Please transfer to one no. the following account: 1. BCA : 3691143731 2. BRI : 0532-01-003721-50-1 Now, we ask you to contribute Starting From Rp.50,000, $5, €10, ¥1000, or whatever you are able to mutually assist one another. Thank you, (Admin) +++++++ KLINIK ABNA TERAPI OKUPASI PUSAT TUMBUH KEMBANG ANAK BERKEBUTUHAN KHUSUS PENDIDIKAN ABNA TERPADU PUSAT BELAJAR LES PRIVATE KURSUS BIMBINGAN BELAJAR (BIMBEL) ----- ABNA CLINIC AND COURSE ABNA OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY CLINIC CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL NEEDS ABNA PRIVATE COURSE EDUCATION CENTRE +++++ * Phone: 021-95889046 / 088210614375 / 085716089081 * Alamat ABNA : Jl. Raya Ciledug RT. 02 / 14 No. 28 Gg. H. Entong - Karang Tengah Tangerang => Sebelah Perumahan Barata Karang Tengah Ciledug * Email: - - * ABNA DIDIRIKAN OLEH ALUMNI UNIVERSITAS INDONESIA (UI) FAKULTAS KEDOKTERAN UI JURUSAN OKUPASI TERAPI SEBAGAI PUSAT TUMBUH KEMBANG ANAK BERKEBUTUHAN KHUSUS KAMI AHLI, BERPENGALAMAN, DAN PROFESIONAL. ====== LOWONGAN KERJA FREELANCE ABNA : MARKETING FREELANCE EXECUTIVE KLINIK ABNA PUSAT TUMBUH KEMBANG TERAPI OKUPASI ANAK BERKEBUTUHAN KHUSUS / AUTIS DAN PENDIDIKAN ABNA TERPADU PUSAT BELAJAR LES PRIVATE KURSUS BIMBINGAN BELAJAR (BIMBEL) ANDA YANG SEDANG ATAU TIDAK BEKERJA... BISA MENDAPATKAN PENGHASILAN / GAJI TANPA BATAS... CARANYA SANGAT MUDAH... = > ANDA CUKUP MENCARI PASIEN SEBANYAK-BANYAKNYA... SETIAP PASIEN, ANDA MENDAPATKAN 50% DARI UANG PENDAFTARAN. CONTOH: 1 HARI ANDA MENDAPATKAN 5 PASIEN / MURID, JADI, PASIEN YANG SUDAH MEMBAYAR PENDAFTARAN DI KLINIK ABNA, MAKA BISA LANGSUNG ANDA TERIMA GAJI SETIAP HARI. TOTAL GAJI 1 PASIEN = Rp. 50.000 x 5 PASIEN = Rp. 250.000/Hari. SEMAKIN BANYAK PASIEN / MURID MENDAFTAR, SEMAKIN BESAR PENDAPATAN. UANG PENDAFTARAN KLINIK : Rp.100.000 / Pasien. GAJI PERHARI 5 PASIEN = Rp.250.000+ GAJI PERBULAN 5 PASIEN = Rp.7.500.000+ ====== * TOLONG DIBANTU YA... BAGIKAN LINK KLINIK ABNA KE SEMUA TEMAN... KLINIK AUTIS ABNA PUSAT TUMBUH KEMBANG TERAPI OKUPASI ANAK BERKEBUTUHAN KHUSUS / AUTIS DAN PENDIDIKAN ABNA TERPADU PUSAT BELAJAR LES PRIVATE KURSUS BIMBINGAN BELAJAR (BIMBEL) KARANG TENGAH CILEDUG TANGERANG INDONESIA ----- ABNA CLINIC AND COURSE ABNA OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY CLINIC CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL NEEDS ABNA PRIVATE COURSE EDUCATION CENTRE +++++ * Phone: 085716089081 / 021-95889046 / 088210614375 * Alamat ABNA : Jl. Raya Ciledug RT. 02 / 14 No. 28 Gg. H. Entong - Karang Tengah Tangerang => Sebelah Perumahan Barata Karang Tengah Ciledug * Email: - - * ABNA DIDIRIKAN OLEH ALUMNI UNIVERSITAS INDONESIA (UI) FAKULTAS KEDOKTERAN UI JURUSAN OKUPASI TERAPI SEBAGAI PUSAT TUMBUH KEMBANG ANAK BERKEBUTUHAN KHUSUS KAMI PEDULI, AHLI, BERPENGALAMAN, DAN PROFESIONAL. => TERIMAKASIH SUDAH PEDULI ANAK AUTIS INDONESIA

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    * Phone:
    021-95889046 / 088210614375 / 085716089081

    * Alamat ABNA Ciledug :
    Jl. Raya Ciledug RT. 02 / 14 No. 28
    Gg. H. Entong - Karang Tengah Tangerang
    => Sebelah Perumahan Barata Karang Tengah Ciledug

    * Email: - -






